Subtly Crossdressing in Public or AKA Kind of Outing Myself
If you’ve read here a while, it is not news that I still have not gone fully public with my crossdressing. I know, I know, I’ve been doing it for so long that everybody and their mom and sister should be able to tell there is a feminine side to me with just a millisecond glance at me as a “man.” I’ve actually gone out dressed in public once (at night) and, more recently, accidentally outed myself in public. Needless to say, I’m kind of getting “out there” at a pace where I’ll be fully out in public as miss me when I’m dead. Maybe I’m being optimistic here.
It is kind of funny how it went from a sexual thing, which it still is, to kind of a hobby… how far can I take it to looking like a woman then judging it by how people around me react (or not). Then again, I’m pretty sick of being “macho” man and maybe an effeminate approach might be in store. Either way, I’ve been questioning why not just dress and go? It’s not like I’ll be running around in the streets in my trademark lingerie and pantyhose.
It should also be said, I think I’m over donning those girly garments underneath my normal clothes knowing others don’t know my little secret going on there. Keep in mind that I have been dressed around other guy ladies like myself several times but in more controlled situations where there are only us crossers and others who don’t mind our company. I do want out in the wide open though and do want that side of me to be expressed someway, somehow.