Sheery, dressed to go out

Every year about this time, coincidentally just before the new year, I get into a mode of deep thought and begin to wonder what the hell next year will bring. I’m way beyond the New Year’s resolutions at this point in my life. Aren’t they the same things every year written down and then forgotten about right around that hangover after the Super Bowl?

My assumption is that this is a pretty typical process for many people in life, a little reflection and maybe look for some kind of spark to change something. Yet for me (or maybe you), the crossdresser, it is a bit complicated. This side of my life has been an evolution even up to this point in my life. Keep in mind I’m not not a kid anymore you know. Part of that evolution is checking out what other non-church-approved things are going on that other side since they seem kind of interesting. Let’s not kid ourselves, they definitely are.

I’ve realized more or less, too, that I need to keep evolving in order to be content with who I am as a crossdresser. If you were to tell me ten years ago that I would be shaving all my body hair every couple of weeks and having sexy dress-up romps here or there with other crossdressers, I probably would have quit crossdressing completely right then and there. Oh my god, how could I do such things?!

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It’s that time of year again. Jot out all your New Year’s resolutions down just before the new year begins, go out all night and then wish you were dead with that hangover in the morning. For the crossdresser, it’s no different except maybe a little fuss picking out a dress for the night out. For now we’ll get just started with the top ten resolutions for us crossdressers and I’ll fuss with that dress sooner or later.

10. Lose all that weight (… of being a crossdresser).

9. Wear that stocking rather than hanging it by the Christmas tree.

8. Take up a new hobby, like dressing like a man.

7. Maybe buy some some new male clothes to keep the act up.

6. Finally quit crossdressing. Oh wait, really? Nevermind then.

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