Part II: Happier Hour
Part I: Happy Hour
Part III: Reality
The excitement of Carla’s trist with Chelsea and Jenna began to fade as Carla realized it was already late into the evening and she needed to get home. Carla slipped out of her lingerie and crotch ripped pantyhose and changed back into his suit and tie. He then went into the bathroom, grabbed a washrag and scrubbed every last bit of makeup off of his face thinking of excuses he could tell his wife Amy for his tardiness without even a phone call.
“Let’s do this again,” a cleaned-up Carl said to the two satisfied crossdressers and still high from their foray with Carla.
“Anytime,” Jenna responded as she and Chelsea walked him out the door along with giving a peck on the cheek, which Carl quickly wiped away.
Carl walked back to the garage just a few blocks away, got into his car and into a panic. “Let’s see, we had a crisis at the bank and an emergency meeting that lasted hours,” he thought to himself as the excuse he was going to tell his wife. “Yep, I’ll stick with that.”
He arrived home to a visibly angry Amy as he walked through the door.
“Where the hell have you been? I was worried sick!” Amy said. “You don’t even answer your phone?”
Carl, realizing he left his cell phone at the office, was at a loss. “I’m so sorry dear.”
He proceed to tell his lie about how he had spent the last few hours, obviously omitting the details about the romp in his lingerie and pantyhose with two crossdresser he had just met at that time. Amy listened, appearing to believe every word, but really knew Carl well enough to tell the signs of when he lied.
“Well, OK, next time call though please,” Amy responded with a noticeable change in tone from anger to sympathy. Carl believed his story had worked and was off the hook but, little did he know, Amy was on to his scent. Quite literally, too, as she could smell traces of perfume on him, yet she didn’t say a word. Instead, she would be doing a little detective work on her own.
The very next day, Carl left for work, business as usual. Amy, however, had her own plan to leave their daughter, Sara, with their neighbor for a couple hours, then see what Carl was really up to after work. As the hour where Carl left approached, Amy positioned herself, parked in her car, and with a clear view of the entrance of his bank.
Like clockwork, Carl exited and made his was up the block towards the garage. Amy got out of the car and followed closely on foot but out of his view. By coincidence, and perhaps bad luck, Jenna and Chelsea just happened to be along the way in Carl’s walk to the garage.
“Hello darling,” Jenna said to Carl, who gives each a warm kiss on the cheek. The sight of the two in their skin-tight dresses, sexy shiny pantyhose and stilettos gave him chills of excitement just like the previous day.
“Shall we have a quick drink?” Carl asked the two pointing to the patio bar just in front of them. “Oh, I mean screwdriver,” he added flirtatiously. Chelsea and Jenna took him up on the offer. Amy, heart dropped to the floor, stood in a hidden spot across the street and looked on.
As the three seated themselves and ordered a round of screwdrivers, Carl couldn’t help but to slide his hands, caressing the pantyhose on the legs of Chelsea and Jenna who were to either side of him. Jenna instinctively reached down his pants and discovered he had on a pair of Wolford Neon pantyhose as she playfully pulled the waistband up and out of his pants.
“You naught girl you,” Jenna said the Carl, still with a grip on the waistband.
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