I just got a new bustier yesterday which I happily slipped into and am prancing in at the moment on this dark, cold rainy day (no, not the picture above but I’ll have one soon!). It has quite a a lot of padding giving me the illusion of having real boobs which I quite like. I would have liked to throw on a sweatshirt or something and take a stroll around on a sunny to see if anyone takes notice of my new “anatomy.”
But we have that rain thing… cancelled until further notice.
So I decide to spend my indoor-only day taking some transgender tests I found rather curiously online. Don’t ask why but I just decided it wasn’t worthwhile to do the usual fun chores of cleaning and laundry. You may call it doing a little soul searching or maybe you could say I just want someone (or in this case something) to tell me “hey, you’re quite the ladyboy there.”
After all, I do like a little feminine reassurance on occasion 😉
Keep in mind that, personally, I just take the following tests for what they are: Sunday comics. In other words, the results may tell you what you already know of your level of “trans” or maybe even offer insight if you don’t. These tests, however, don’t take into account the multi-faceted world of sexuality in 2015 and are not a definitive guide of where you sit on the totem pole of transvestism or transsexualism. So take them with a grain of salt my dear ladies.
I had previously written about the Combined Gender Identity and Transsexuality Inventory and was curious about the result taking it a third time. I went from 108 to -75 to -133 which has me moving from Androgyne to the more masculine Feminine Male category. I was utterly offended since it has just been two weekends in a row where I shaved my legs, a first for me. Take that COGIATI, you bitch.
Have a go at the COGIATI
Gender Traits Test (A.K.A. The Bem Test)
I wouldn’t say it is quite as interesting as the COGIATI but it is a quick survey of varied characteristics and how you see yourself with each characteristic on a scale of 1 (never) to 7 (always). Definitely not high on the validity scale and kind of like being “diagnosed” by that cook at the IHOP.
Take the Bem Test (WARNING: you need some paper and a pen to add up scores)
Open Sex Role Inventory
Basically the above test or, as they put it:
This is an interactive version of the Open Sex Role Inventory, a measure of masculinity and femininity modelled on the Bem Sex Role Inventory.
You [sic] use of this assessment should be for educational or entertainment purposes only.
You see, interactive and for entertainment purposes. How can you go wrong?
Take the Open Sex Role Inventory
Klein Sexual Orientation Grid Quiz
This test is based on a study by Fritz Klein to test his theory that sexual orientation is a dynamic, multi-variable process. Klein believed that an individual’s sexual orientation was composed of sexual and non-sexual variables which differed over time. Personally, I find the theory quite fascinating (maybe fodder for a future blog post/discussion) and test results what I could have already guessed.
Klein Sexual Orientation Grid Quiz
Multidimensional Scale of Sexuality Quiz
Considered an extension of the Klein quiz to measure sexual identity, I had a couple issues with it but, hell, took it anyway due to my topic interest. First, it’s not true/false but mark all answers that are true for yourself. This is very unlikely to reveal anything meaningful. Second, all the questions are long and fairly similar which will lead to a burnout midway through it.
That said, maybe you want one last “opinion.” Try out the quiz.